Collaging Kingston

Grace Dixon, Collaging Kingston, Union Gallery Feature Wall | Photo: Courtesy of Viara Mileva

Grace Dixon

Feature Wall

September 23–October 12, 2024

Through collage and digital illustration, Grace Dixon explores place and memory in Collaging Kingston. Displayed on the Feature Wall, this exhibition invites visitors to engage in the creative process using supplied textures and images to build a collaborative artwork.


Collage materials for visitors to participate in Grace Dixon's Collaging Kingston exhibition | Photo: Courtesy of Viara Mileva

Grace (she/her) explores the personal sentiments and aesthetics that are conjured by memories associated with Kingston locations as she constructs her collages. From the textures to the collected images to the very choice of colour, she seeks to engage with the reminiscent and nostalgic attachments we wrap around the places we have existed within or even the places we have heard of through other people’s memories. After being a part of Kingston: a guidebook from memory, a recently published project for which she illustrated anonymous gathered stories of Kingston sites, she continues to be amused and intrigued by this creative approach of relating to spaces. 


Grace (she/her) is an illustrator and musician based in Katarowki Kingston whose love of storytelling and connection is woven into her work. Through the use of textures, nostalgic references and sound she explores the avenues of emotive design in visual art making as well as musical composition. Her work has appeared in partnership with entities such as the Kingston Canadian Film Festival, the film A Queer’s Guide to Spiritual Living and the Canadian Theatre Review. She seeks collaborative opportunities often and appreciates art as an important catalyst for growth, change and healthy community.


From the artist:

I would like to say a warm thank you to Robert Motum and the Guidebooks from Memory team for including me in their Kingston chapter and embracing as well as inspiring the collage and mixed media approach. Thanks as well to the Union Gallery staff for this wonderful chance to exhibit these works.


MUSE: Celebration


Annual General Meeting 2024