Union Gallery is your platform

UG regularly publishes relevant and engaging texts in the form of curatorial essays, poetry, creative non-fiction, or short, narrative works. A selection of publications are available for download. Print publications can be purchased at the gallery.

We are slowly digitizing our full collection of publications. Check back as we continue to update our online catalogue!

Print Resource Library

Visit the gallery to access our free Resource Library—filled with art publication gems, including contemporary art magazines, poetry chapbooks, artist books and catalogues.

The library is free and open to all during gallery hours. Learn more and plan your visit.

Digital Zine Library

Union Gallery is home to a digital zine library with curated collections. For easy at-home downloading, printing, and assembly, all the zines follow a simple preset format: the 8-page x-book made from a single 1-sided sheet of 8.5x11 inch paper. With a few folds and a cut, anyone will be able to add these zines to their collection.