Mathieu Léger: Espace Plausible-Possible Space | Lisa Lipton: The Impossible Blue Rose

Thomas Hodd and Teresa Carlesimo

Year: 2017

“Léger’s use of photographic prints and maps, then, are meant to draw the viewer’s attention to ideas of the definitive, the definable, the categorical. Yet in his exhibit, he purposefully distorts the very categorical markers we rely on, forcing us to consider and/or speculate on the origins and accuracy of these pieces…”

“The tone and feel of THE IMPOSSIBLE BLUE ROSE is familiar in that uncanny and unexpected way that tends to occur when art truly does seem to imitate life. Many scenes are dimly lit with the same atmospheric blue and purple hue that is woven throughout the film, while parƟcular objects, characters, and elements of costume become familiar as they reappear from chapter to chapter…”


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