Opportunities at Union Gallery


We aim to offer volunteer opportunities that are as beneficial to our volunteers as they are to our organization. Our volunteer positions centre experiential learning.

Front Desk

Front desk volunteers are an essential part of Union Gallery. Volunteer terms are 1 semester (one 3 hr shifts/week), with the option to extend.

Volunteer terms may take place in the Fall, Winter or Spring/Summer semester and are dependent on gallery capacity. Volunteer positions are open to Queen's University and other post-secondary students at both the undergraduate and graduate level, as well as artists and community members.

Gallery Prep + Install

Volunteers directly support exhibition installation and gain hands-on experience with art handling, archives, visitor experience, and program assistance.

Student-Led Committees

Members of Union’s student-led committees work closely with UG core staff and Board Members to shape the gallery's exhibitions, public programming, fundraising and community outreach initiatives. In keeping with our mandate as a student-centred organization, these committees empower students to lend their direction in the areas of Programming (exhibitions + parallel programs), Outreach (audience + membership development), Fundraising (sponsorship + event planning).

Applications are now open! Read our Student-Led Committees Outline and apply at the form below by Oct 7, 2024.

Employment Positions

We are not currently hiring for any employment positions.

Work-Study Positions

Union Gallery is committed to providing students with hands-on, professional gallery experience through our participation in Queen's University Work Study Program. UG regularly offers Work Study positions in the Fall-Winter semesters. Work Study students have the opportunity to engage with the public as gallery attendants and assist staff with a wide range of gallery activity, including: research; design; videography; installation; fundraising; and promotions. Students contribute toward and gain valuable insight and hands-on experience in the day-to-day operations of a public gallery.

Application Procedure

Eligibility is determined on the basis of demonstrated financial need for registered undergraduate and graduate students in any year of any department at Queen's University. Visit Queen's Student Awards for more information about eligibility and important dates. For more information, or if you have any questions, please reach out: ug.employ@gmail.com / 613.533.3171

We are not currently hiring for any Work-Study positions.

Research Assistants

Union Gallery currently has partnerships with Cultural Studies and Screen Cultures and Curatorial Studies to support Research Assistant positions for graduate students. Research Assistant positions can take place in the Fall-Winter or Spring-Summer semesters and are dependent on students' individual funding package and gallery capacity.

Research Assistants are involved in various aspects of curatorial research, exhibition design and coordination, and interpretive programs. Research Assistants also develop and execute special projects for the gallery according to their specific interests. Are you interested in completing an RA-ship with Union Gallery and from a different department at Queen's? Please reach out!

Graduate Research Fellows

Union Gallery regularly partners with Queen's departments to support Graduate Research Fellowships in the Fall-Winter or Spring-Summer semesters. Fellowships are open to all registered PhD students at Queen's and are dependent on students' individual funding package and gallery capacity.

Graduate Research Fellowships are research-focused and practice-oriented, led by questions, methodologies, frameworks and scope as defined by the student, in consultation with gallery staff. Students are encouraged to propose fellowship projects according to their specific interests and with consideration paid to research dissemination via public programming (i.e. exhibitions, publications, panel discussions, etc.).

We are not currently hiring for any Research Assistant or Graduate Fellow positions.

Internships + Practicums

Union Gallery invites Queen's University undergraduate and graduate students to submit proposals to pursue their course-based practicums with the gallery. Student internships and practicums can take shape in many different ways. Previous internships and practicums have focused on curating, research and writing. Student interns are involved in exhibition and program development, design and interpretation, as well as developing accessible and interactive tours and art activities centred on various instructional approaches in alignment with students' research and areas of interest.

Queen's University courses currently available: Art History (ARTH 395).
Download the course guidelines here.

Students interested in pursuing the ARTH 395 Internship must first confirm their eligibility with their Undergraduate Chair and secure an Academic Advisor for their internship. Once confirmed, students are invited to submit an expression of interest (max. 500 words), as well as a resume or CV. Submit your application to ug.employ@gmail.com well in advance of the desired semester, usually at the beginning of the previous semester, to allow for planning. Acceptance will be based on interviews and is contingent on gallery capacity. Applications will be reviewed by the Director. All those who apply will be contacted. Short-listed applicants will be contacted for an interview. Once accepted, students are responsible for completing all requirements for course registration with their home department. For more information, or if you have any questions, please reach out: ug.employ@gmail.com / 613.533.3171

Equity Statement

Union Gallery is committed to equity, diversity and inclusion in all aspects of our programming and operations. UG welcomes applications from qualified individuals of all sexualities, races, gender identities, socioeconomic statuses, and (dis)abilities. We strongly encourage applications from equity-seeking communities. UG recognizes that BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Colour), QPOC (Queer People of Colour) and 2SLGBTQIA+ (Two-Spirit, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Questioning, Intersex, Asexual, +) are disproportionately underrepresented within institutional art spaces. Due to ongoing systemic barriers, UG prioritizes applicants who self-identify as BIPOC, QPOC, 2SLGBTQIA+. If you would like to, please indicate if you self-identify as a member of any equity-seeking groups in your application.