Emily Jan: After the Hunt | Anne Billy: Fleeting Memory

Ellyn Walker and Teresa Carlesimo

Year: 2016

“Upon closer inspection that comes from actually moving around the work, the materials used to create After the Hunt’s gluttonous scene begin to reveal themselves. The soft and ostensibly life-like animals are made out of wool, felt, reed and leather, while the other entities - fruits, fish and plants - are made out of plastic, resin and silicone.”

“Using found fabrics, including old bed sheets and worn shirts, she explores the social significance of these textiles, where memories become woven into the materials. Like architecture, fabrics become a storehouse of memories, where they bear the trace of our past experiences and everyday life through the accumulation of marks and stains, as well as the degradation of the material itself.”


Passport Poetry


Ongoing Call For Gallery Proposals