The Pronoun Project

Visitors view Hill Werth's The Pronoun Project on Union Gallery's Feature Wall | Photo: Courtesy of Union Gallery staff

Hill Werth

Feature Wall

March 5–May 11, 2024

The Pronoun Project celebrates how pedagogy can breathe new life into gender neutral language. As part of their ongoing work, local artist and Bachelor of Education student, Hill Werth sets forth to showcase pronouns beyond the binary. Extending from this activist-based exhibition, Hill will also lead free public programs that embody common themes of queer and trans education, presence, and affirmation. 


WE LOVE DESIGN, HOW ABOUT YOU? Adaptive & reconstructive fashion design for every body by Hill Werth and Em Harmsen
Wednesday, March 27 at 6pm

 Hill Werth, He/She/They, 2023, Mixed Media. PC: Hill Werth. The Pronoun Project


The Pronoun Project is an education piece exploring gender neutral pronouns and language. These words have long existed but have never been taught to us in a formal educational setting. These variations of gender neutral pronouns, called neo-pronouns. have never been allowed the space to be incorporated into our spoken and written languages. The Pronoun Project explores language beyond the binary to educate us on the vast options other than “she” and “he.” Trans and non-binary individuals have always existed. But the language to describe us has been left out on purpose. The Pronoun Project brings gender neutral language to life in a gentle and educational way.


Born & raised in the U.S. Hill Werth is former pro athlete and internationally recognized trans non-binary mixed media artist and activist, using their art and voice to spread visibility, awareness, and representation to their community. From making guest speaking appearances at k-12 schools and universities to publications, Hill has had great success as an artist, athlete, and educator. Using various mediums, their creations are the result of emotions pouring out, transcending from personal experiences and endeavors. This allows Hill to achieve patterned layers of balance and composition.


Home Sweet Home

