How To Make Mud Soup

Ryen Stewart

When I think back to my childhood, I remember sitting outside a small hole in my driveway in Toronto. This hole would be a key piece to mixing natural elements I found in my backyard into "soups" or "potions." My brothers and I would find anything from leaves to pinecones to rocks in order to add texture and depth to the soups. These memories will stick with me as a simple reminder that cooking can be fun, with some creativity.

I currently reside in Vancouver, BC where I am attending Emily Carr University. My major is Communication Design, and my work tends to lean towards a more fun, colourful, and even childlike nature at times. In my zine, I included text and simple layouts as a nod to my experience with typography, but still designed it in a way where it looks hand drawn by a child.


Recreation + Reconnection


3 Weeks