Our Commitment to Anti-Racism + Meaningful, Intentional Change

Posted: November 1, 2020

The summer of 2020 brought to the forefront many issues of structural and systemic racism within and across Canadian cultural institutions. Too often the pattern in society has been that when things cannot be easily resolved, the solution is ignored and we "move on" with empty promises of doing better. As Union Gallery's Board of Directors and staff met over the summer to review our practices, internal policies and procedures, it was brought to light that our own good intentions to create a safe and inclusive environment for everyone regardless of race, sexual orientation, ability, creed etc. have not been enough. Our gallery's Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policy is insufficient and does not reflect our values as an organization. Policy is the backbone to the standards we hold ourselves to, and without such ethics being clearly stated and upheld, we have directly failed our community members whom we aim to support. We sincerely apologize to the BIPOC, 2SLGBTQIA+, and other marginalized members of our communities who have perhaps not considered the gallery as a space for them and their unique creative expression. We hope that our commitments to do better and follow through will serve to create the inclusive and participatory space we strive to be.

The board and staff at Union Gallery believe that an art gallery like ours has an important role to play in recognizing and challenging historic and ongoing oppression, and it is important to us that the gallery not only continue to present exhibitions and programs that support BIPOC artists, students, members and visitors, but invests in the work of becoming an inclusive, anti-racist organization. We are currently undergoing an Equity, Diversity and Inclusion audit, establishing processes for structural change, and developing an anti-racism action plan to further (un)learn, reflect and serve communities better. We will be holding ourselves accountable through comprehensive internal and external reviews of our policies, procedures and operations. This work is ongoing, and we appreciate your patience as we undertake important change.

We encourage our membership and communities to hold us to these principles and welcome feedback on how to make our space more welcoming and inclusive for you. Please reach out directly to us at ug.governance@gmail.com. We affirm that issues of equity, diversity and inclusivity must be collaborative and focused on ongoing partnership and community building.

We are taking to heart the call from "A Letter from the Black Curators Forum to Contemporary Art Institutions and Organizations across This Land Called Canada" (Canadian Art, Fall 2020 Issue: "Chroma"), among other important calls for institutional change to "...engage with the momentum of the current moment to take long-overdue steps towards authentic reform and accountability."

  • We are committed to taking meaningful, intentional actions to remove barriers to inclusion:

  • We will continue to donate and fundraise for anti-racist causes and organizations on a consistent basis.

  • We will participate in anti-racism training at all levels of the organization.

  • We will audit and revise internal policies, most especially our Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Policy, recognizing our responsibility to do more and do better.

  • We will evaluate programs through a lens of inclusivity and develop artistic programming with a diversity of voices and perspectives.

  • We will support diversity within our organization by proactively creating and sustaining fairly compensated employment, advisory bodies and collaboration for BIPOC artists, students, writers, academics and youth.

  • We will regularly self-assess our organizational space, governance structures, programs and working environments to support the work, agency and professional/creative growth of BIPOC staff, board, volunteers, artists and collaborators.

  • We will ensure the Gallery's next Strategic Plan reflects an anti-racist framework.

  • We will monitor and report on our progress.

We engage in this process with sincere dedication.


Artist Interview with Lucy Chandler


25 Years of Union Gallery